Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Suffering Blog Sensitivities

An e-friend e-mailed giving a perspective on how it is for some reading blogs. Mentioned some suffer from various mental illnesses. Struggle. So read blogs and might not react in ways blogger intends to relate content or how others not suffering from mental illnesses or would react.

The blog phenomenon is something to consider. I do not read blogs, usually, but on occasion read one by an artist in MN. If tired and in lots of pain, that blog can either make me laugh or else feel like the web site I'm working on is pointless and worthless.

Of course, the artist's blog site does not "make" me feel that way. I make myself feel that way. This evening I was laughing hilariously at some items on his blog site. And I'm in loads of pain. The one time I felt like my web site is pointless and worthless is when I realized I am a neophyte at web site development, and that is why a high school senior comes over now and then and helps me know what to do. Otherwise I'd not have any web site.

But back to those who suffer mental illnesses and who read blogs. My e-friend said she stopped reading a blog that upset her.  A friend of hers encouraged her to stop reading it because it only upset her.

Truly, it is the responsibility of the reader to read or not read someone's blog, and if that blog is upsetting, drop it. I rather think that blogs are so self-revealing to others than oneself, that it is perhaps silly to read blogs, other than if one needs some laughs or just wants people's opinions and viewpoints, for blogs are journals journaling opinions and viewpoints.

Very little raw fact. For that we go to research sites online. Some blogs do give data, but usually if not always, the data is then analyzed from the blogger's viewpoint, and opinions offered, no matter how carefully packaged.

I have to admit to having some laughs about some people who read my blogs and take them perhaps a bit too seriously. I guess I had not considered the likelihood that some of the readers suffer from mental illnesses or diagnosable personality disorders. So I am very sorry that what I have written has stirred some to aggravated upset, or that I was insensitive to the reality of their illnesses.

My own suffering has come through in some of my blogs, such as that of much physical pain which can affect the total being. There was a reason why in centuries past, people would drink whiskey, pull their hair out, beat their heads against log cabin log walls, or Italianate home brick walls, or even adobe hut walls--and probably igoo ice walls. Some pioneers probably shot themselves when the suffering became too much to bear.

I was just reading about victim soul Marthe Robin who was paralyzed for 50 years. Her suffering included not producing saliva so not being able to eat, and not being able to sleep. Yes, that was a tremendous suffering. The paralysis, while not painful, was a suffering. To be moved, however, when her mother and another relative changed the bedding, caused excrutiating pain for Marthe. Also, at a certain point, she began suffering the Passion from Thursday through Friday or so, and that was very painful.

What I read mentioned that Marthe suffered all with much joy.

I was thinking about that when the doorbell rang, and I had to get up out of bed to let in the high school computer genius. I had retreated to bed an hour before, had to take pain meds, had to get a grip on the increasing sense of despair, which always glides in when the pain rises. The high school boy helped distract, and there was some laughter. I did mention the pain thing, though, and Marthe Robin, and how perhaps intellectually one could recognize the joy in suffering when one realizes one is suffering for and with Christ, for souls, for love. But, and the high school boy brought this point to the fore: in the hours, days, weeks, months, years of constant pain, pain, pain, is there an emotional joy?

Well, not here, not yet, not all the time. On occasion, yes there is the emotional joy, but that is usually when the Lord brings a consolation of some soul who has been altered for the better for whom one has suffered, if the Lord has even let the victim soul know the circumstances, which usually He does not. Or, there is an emotional joy when the Lord eases the suffering and lets the victim soul know He is close, and He and the victim soul will make it through yet another severe ordeal.

But otherwise, suffering can be quite a grind, and the Little Flower wasn't fooling when she mentioned that if her medications had been left by her bed stand, she would have taken more than she should. Thankfully, they were not left within her reach.

But maybe someday, maybe I will suffer all with much joy, all the time, an intellectual, emotional, and spiritual joy--all the time. Most likely that will be after I've been in purgatory, at the time when I hopefully get to heaven. I'm a realist about suffering after these many years, even if suffering as a victim soul, for Jesus knows all about it, all about suffering. Love Him!

Anyway, blogs can be a source of suffering for people, if they don't agree with the opinions or viewpoints, and also if they start to see what the blogger him-or herself does not or seems to not see in him- or herself that is annoying. Chances are, the blogger sees, but keeps writing, anyway. And readers have the responsibility to themselves, for their own mental, emotional and maybe even physical health, to not read blogs. Web logs, they are, just that, nothing more.

Although the man who has such an artistic blog writes opinions that I usually agree with, wrote a blog about how people writing blogs are sometimes elevated to authority status, when they really are not. And I suppose that can be confusing and upsetting to readers.

Are they called "bleaders"--these blog readers? Regardless, I appreciate my e-friend for writing and explaining how blogs can affect the "bleaders" (like that coined word!) and especially if the bleader is suffering in some way, mentally, emotionally, or physically.

And in sensitivity but yet in a need to write thoughts, viewpoints in journalistic fashion, I have turned to developing a website that encapsulates various aspects of my anonymous earthly existence, and it is totally private, hidden, and God alone brings eyes to it. In this way, bleaders will not have to suffer.

Big snowstorm here all day. Am practicing a little
on the harp, "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" and "The Glory of These Forty Days", also editing consumer complaints, as well as wrote and wrote and wrote my soul out in a protected environment.


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