Saturday, August 23, 2008

Losing All One's Blood

The da gave this to nothing several years back. St. Padre Pio is a favorite of many! The da said Padre Pio was snappy with some Catholics who came to him in confession. Nothing said, "Wouldn't you be if you could read souls and have to deal with their lies over and over, plus have horrific pain day and night?" The da supposed he would.

What St. Pio said (when not yet a saint!) is so true: A victim must lose all his blood in order to be a victim.

Nothing is once again considering what the Saint's Beloved Mother, his Guardian Angel, and Others said to him.

There are all kinds of ways a victim can lose all his blood. And there are various aspects of blood that don't mean the life-giving liquid that God created for the body's survival.

A victim must lose all its blood, as in the martyrs. A victim must lose all its blood in the sense of worth in the world, or function, esteem, physical stamina, mental acuity, outer appearance, desires, being scrutinized or suspect, relationships, and so forth. It could be a loss of blood in financial circumstances, jobs and career, spousal upset, personal abuse, emotional and behavioral disorders, accidents. It could be in the spiritual realm, including temptations and falls to sins of all sorts that humble the person, inside and out.

Today, it seems that nothing is yet grappling with losing its blood in respect to not being functional in the TCW (temporal Catholic world), and wonders why God sends some out into another world. Of what use to the TCW are those latter types? Seems as if they are always in trouble, having odd experiences, being misunderstood or even envied, for pity's sake.

Victim souls may find similar issues, as mostly they keep their vocation on the QT. Just causes a lot of stir and incredulity among others. Hard enough to keep the wits about oneself when suffering, and to keep doubts away and faith strong and steady. To keep suffering, to keep losing one's blood (in one way or another), to battle the devil, to feel embarrassed in trying to describe or get help from those in charge of the TCW--it is nothing anyone would choose for themselves, truly. That is why it is a vocation: a call from God.

But Catholics accept the call, in love. There is a great love of God and desire to do His will, no matter what. Yes, NO MATTER WHAT. No matter if one loses ALL HIS BLOOD, no matter what kind of blood.

Losing all one's blood means becoming nothing.

The da said the other day that the ones around there who thought they were something, hot-shots, out in the TCW, grow old and just die off. And even if they thought they were somethings in the place where they were growing old, they die, and the ones around them, still living, often don't speak of them again, even though the deceased graves are just a couple hundred yards from where the remaining live bodies eat their meals. So he said, "Yes, we truly are nothing, whether we realize it or not."

It is as well to offer to donate one's blood in whatever way God might desire it. Allow the blood to be let. It has a lot to do with accepting humiliations, accepting whatever transpires in daily transactions and experiences, and humbly submitting, as one lays out the arm at the Red Cross when giving blood. Except there they let you choose right or left arm for them to stick with the needle.

A victim soul ought generously give its blood to God, allows itself to be bled. Sometimes this happens quickly, but most of the time it is a slow-drip process. Padre Pio had a huge crucifixion in one fell swoop when a young man, but there were lots of slow-drip sufferings before, and 50 years of bleeding following, right up until his death.

One is not considered a victim until it loses all its blood. So said the Beloved Mother, Padre Pio's guardian angel, and many others (and we can figure those others to be saints who talked to Padre Pio on a regular basis).


Blogger The Catholic Hermit said...

This came from Anonymous of Arlington:


This blog is awesome. I've just discovered it and am now in the process of going back to the beginning of your posts in Aug 2005. I was thrilled to see that Josefa Menendez is a patron as "The Way of Divine Love" is my all-time favorite book. Long live Nothing.

Dear Kind Soul who wrote this comment to nothing, thank you so much! As it is, I've been through quite a siege of suffering, and with it a kind of message to not write what I have been, on internet, at least. I do plan to pick up where I left off a couple of years ago on a book about suffering, for victim souls--a kind of updated guide.

I hope you enjoy the blogs. I'm not sure how many, as I've written for three years and often, often, much, much. Not sure what I wrote, either, and that isn't so good, is it?!! It is all very candid, though, and "as is." The best for others are probably information about victim souls and other saints' writings.

Please pray for me that I do God's will in whatever He wills in the writing. My confessor said he would never be one to tell me to write blogs or not, as he says he wants God to tell me. It is much easier, I think, to just have a confessor or spiritual director say, "Do this" or "Do that"--but it is better, truly, for our souls to learn to listen to God and to hear what He says He wants us to do, even though it takes time and even suffering to hear and discern His answers.

For now am trying to go out a bit deeper in soul school, and also to get the physical suffering enough under control that even if it is going to remain at this higher level, I can function without freaking out! The last three or so weeks are a fog.

God bless you! I might argue a bit about "long live nothing." When the nursery man said to me that those who garden tend to live a long time, I thought that wasn't music to my ears! However, to suffer or to die. I am thankful to be able to suffer, and thankful to the Catholic Church for taking me in, and showing me so much about suffering and also victim soul opportunity, for it has made all the difference in my existence and gave me something to make me want to endure.

5:12 PM  
Blogger The Catholic Hermit said...

This came from Anonymous:

"Dear Nothing,

What is the out-of-print book you discussed in your writings from 2005 that deals with being a Victim for the Sacred Heart?

I included you in my prayer intentions at noon Mass and my daily rosary."

Dear Anonymous/G--

Your name and diocese come up when you send a comment, so am uncertain about posting it "as is"! Don't want to void your anonymity if that is your desire. Just thought I should let you know.

Anyway, the book is titled, "A Guide to Victim Souls of the Sacred Heart of Jesus." It is out of print and hard to come by. I have checked with those who last had copyright way back, way back, and so have the domain; but I am going to not re-write it as much as hopefully come up with an amended, edited, expanded (in some topical areas) guide. But will use much of the information.

Part of the reason I slugged down a couple of years ago, is that in trying to do a re-write, I found myself sliding into the style and tone, which then seemed stilted. So, I will pray much and begin anew.

Thank you SO MUCH for your prayers. I am going cold-turkey not writing blogs after three years, and it is like having withdrawal (or how I imagine that!). Have been saying Hail Mary's all day. The blogs had become a pain pill in a way, as a distraction from pain! Imagine that! Once I get the equilibrium built up in the pain department, and more energy, I will focus better on the other writing which I think is probably what God has in Mind for now.

But today was also thinking how the blogosphere and the ones who'd sometimes drop by with a comment, had become my little world. I also thought of Bl. Charles de Foucald, and how he had to manage in the Sahara with people who were not Catholics and also who did not speak his language, nor he theirs. At least at first. Am thinking of Sr. Josefa, and how she was alone among others since she did not know French and also was called to silence and penance, too.

Your prayers have been very beneficial today! Thank you, and I was praying for you last night, and praising God for that very sweet and kind comment you left.

I am praying about whether or not to put out my nothing e-mail address. No answer yet. God bless you!

3:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please Nothing...continue this blog at least! I have made my way through the postings as of April 2006. What light and life for souls these writings are! I offered my 25 minutes of adoration for you! I also noticed that you are a devotee of St John of the Cross -- awesome! I frequently go back to his writings especially his Sayings of Light & Love as these short, spiritual maxims seem to encompass the whole of his doctrine (and since I don't have a lot of time to read). One saying reminded me of Nothing. It went like this: "It is better to suffer for God than to work miracles."

Anonymous in Arlington

2:04 PM  
Blogger The Catholic Hermit said...

Dear Anonymous of Arlington,

I will pray on it, but I am dying. It is some kind of death, and am trying to not only swim out into the deep, but rather to be swept along in the current.

I have no energy for visitors, not that there are any except one who wants to come tomorrow; but I must decline. I cannot seem to muster energy for the facade except for the three adult children, two of whom do not call often--and maybe I can cope because they know the suffering, at least from seeing it. And they move about and around, and somehow the Lord allows me the energy to listen to what they are doing in their beautiful world. But it is not my world. And thus, do you see?

And when it seemed so strong that I was to not blog--perhaps writing too much, or of that which the Lord desires to remain hidden--or at least that which is misunderstood often and mostly by the TCW folks--well, it will take some kind of big sign, and so God will surely take action on your adoration prayers for the intention. If He wants the one; but perhaps it will be not in a blog but something privately shared in a screened kind of way.

How will nothing have energy for the guide book re-write? If that is God's will to write even that?

Am parched. Am trying to accept that I am in some other world, and that this is a reality occurring, and that those two priests closest, who are at the portal between worlds, cannot tell me what it is but to let God tell me. And that goes for the blog writing. They say that God must tell me, but that the answer over the weekend seemed to make sense.

Perhaps you can come up with some other way for the writing, in the will of God. Or, perhaps the Lord is doing something else right now, that will be better in the long run.

Since you are to April 2006, you have lots of trivia to plow through. I don't remember April 2006; I didn't even know that this weekend is Labor Day until an adult child called and said so. And it matters not, anyway. I am in a different world now, and somehow I know I won't be coming back to the other. Does God want me to describe this? Or is it better to just swim until the current takes over? Maybe it has taken over.

After you finish the blogs, then you will surely have a different idea, for they go on and on about a lot of nothing, really! Too much about nothing.

But, bless you for the prayers and encouragement to keep writing. I haven't been writing today, but rather pondering. And hoping to be possessed by the glory of the Lord.

Wish the same for you! Let us be possessed by the glory of the Lord, all of us!

3:17 PM  
Blogger The Catholic Hermit said...

From the Friend of Nothing in Arlington:

"Dear Nothing,

At least then if you are not going to write, check your blog every now & then as I might have a question about your spiritual journey. I hope you get an adoration hour and Mass in every day. These are the two pillars of a victim soul."

Yes, dear Friend in Arlington, with such a marvelous Diocese--nothing will be notified of any comments. Thank you for understanding that God may just be trying to do something with nothing, and this time nothing must fully cooperate. No one has told me to stop writing blogs other than the nuances of the Holy Spirit. Does not seem to be the devil. Am to write, and will keep writing, but not just out there in the net; at least not now.

If you want to leave a means to contact, then I would not publish that comment, and could give you an anonymous contact means on this end.

I have daily Mass but not daily adoration in the Cathedral chapel, but adoring in the hermitage and gardens, in the mystical Catholic world. Sitting is difficult for nothing, for the bodily pain level. But do go back into the chapel on Fridays for formal Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Used to be able to spend hours before the Tabernacle in other parishes, where I could lie down on the floor, but the Cathedral would not be a good place for that, as too many people coming in and out who would not understand, and nothing would be a spectacle!

To just adore Him--that is what nothing is to do, always.

Your prayers and comments have had a tremendously positive affect on this soul and am grateful! All peace on earth! Prayers offered to nothing's Friend in Arlington!

6:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Long live Nothing!!!

Another day...another set of amazing spiritual insights from Nothing. My reading continues...

Friend in Arlington Diocese

8:04 PM  
Blogger The Catholic Hermit said...

Dear Friend in Christ, in Arlington Diocese,

Thankful you are finding anything useful of nothing, for then it is nothing but is rather God's, as all good is of God.

Yes, am living, suffering, dying, [as in flat dead] and being born. Aren't we all?!!

5:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I miss your writings. Please take up the pen again! May the blood of Jesus lead to the Transforming Union!

Friend in Arlington Diocese

10:10 AM  
Blogger The Catholic Hermit said...

Dear Friend in Arlington,

It has been hard not writing in some ways, but the suffering has been tremendous, and I am "afraid" to write publicly
(of sorts, on the interNET) as I do not want to go against God's will, odd as it may seem that it could be His will not
to write on the interNET or in any way "public".

Please continue praying for me, and I will pray for you and also to remain open to God's will.

with you, in just adoring Him and in gratitude for the hope of Transforming Union, in His Blood--


12:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Nothing,

I found your blog by typing "Victim Souls". I have an attraction and yet fear of this subject as I'm sure many do. I realize that this theme runs through almost every spiritual book I've ever read. To have the courage to be a victim soul requires such generosity and love. Your writings are amazing. And even if you aren't getting a lot of email responses, I bet you are reaching a lot of people. The strange part is, even though I've never made the victim-soul offering, I try to offer my sufferings to the best of my strength. The last few years have been very difficult for me. I had a mysterious unknown illness, spiritual and mental sufferings that no one could really understand or believe.
Anyway, I really sympathize with you and will keep you in my prayers. God is using you to save many souls, especially priests. (Please don't publish my city or state) Just call me Tears in Rain

5:52 PM  
Blogger Joyful Catholics said...

Hi nothing...
You wrote: It is much easier, I think, to just have a confessor or spiritual director say, "Do this" or "Do that"--but it is better, truly, for our souls to learn to listen to God and to hear what He says He wants us to do, even though it takes time and even suffering to hear and discern His answers."

That truly speaks straight to my heart. Of late, all I can say is "Amen!" I've been bleeding a lot over the summer,and am waiting and hoping to hear God in this and to be patient, persevering and trusting and hopefully grow in humility for I do so long to be a saint.

6:06 PM  
Blogger Joyful Catholics said...

by the way, I have fallen in absolute love with Padre Pio. I had a dream about him Feb 1 of this year. IT WAS INCREDIBLE> I do believe he visited me in that dream. I've NEVER dreamed about a Saint before!~

6:25 PM  
Blogger The Catholic Hermit said...

Dear Anonymous,
I will pray for you, and thanks for praying for me! I have not been writing blogs, so it amazes me that anyone still reads them.

I think part of what I have learned in suffering, is that of silence and penance. Padre Pio taught me that, and I have been a poor student. So, when others do not understand, it is best to not try to explain except a confessor or spiritual director. Probably those who suffer become more and more interior. Seems to be the mode of victim souls.

Yes, in simplicity and love, keep offering the sufferings as best you can. Jesus knows and understands!

God love you, Tears in Rain!

6:49 AM  
Blogger The Catholic Hermit said...

Dear Joyful Catholic,

Suffering all summer surely ought to bring much humility and grace! You are blessed! And how wonderful that Padre Pio came to you, and do whatever he said to do; or if he did not speak, ponder on the meaning of his visit. He has to come to us one way or another, when the Lord sends Him, and he comes for a reason.

Tomorrow is his special day!

I have not written a blog in a month, but am thankful that what was written has been helpful. We continue on in our pilgrimage here, and I pray for you and am glad to have an update on your life!

God love you, Joyful Catholic!

6:55 AM  
Blogger theblessedgift said...

Hello Nothing...

Your last blog really gave me the full insight of the call that I was wondering about. Thank you for writing. I am also a victim soul, and consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Do not fret the Lord is with you and will be always.....

1:18 PM  
Blogger The Catholic Hermit said...

God's love and blessings upon you, Victim Soul consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus!

Have just named a front yard garden, now enclosed with beautiful trees: The Sacred Heart Sanctuary Garden.

I will pray for you, also, and thanks for praying for me. It is a lovely vocation, and am just now reading a book on Self-Renunciation (by Guillore); and emphasized once more is no union can come without suffering.

What is it that our hearts desire? To love to suffer, to suffer to love: union with Christ, all for souls.

All peace on earth. All PEACE on earth!


2:27 PM  
Blogger theblessedgift said...

I have reached you..
You are not alone
We just can't see every one else.
We suffer out of love.
Love for God and neighbor.

If a person is willing God will make a way...

I can't wait for your book, I looked for the original with out any luck.

Hope for it's completion.

P.S. I see you picked up on my prayers for you that I did not mention. Lol That's funny.

4:09 PM  
Blogger The Catholic Hermit said...

Dear Blessed Gift:
How beautiful; how true!
What you write,
a blessed gift.

Need the reminder to write the book.

Am finishing out the gardens,
am finishing out some dying,
finishing out some self will,
finishing out self,
out self,
but seeing love
in the nothingness.

God's love and Holy Spirit's dreams tonight.


4:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beloved Nothing!

Your friend in Arlington Diocese has not forgotten you!!!

1:00 PM  
Blogger The Catholic Hermit said...

Beloved Friend in Arlington--

nothing has not forgotten you, either! So blessed to be in your prayers and to have you leave the comment.

am reading a book of a young woman, a victim soul of the late 19th c., French, and Marie-Anne at age 18 expresses such love of Christ, prayer and suffering but emphasizes that the suffering must be in Christ, in reparation as He desires.

She also used a Latin quote that is attributed to St. Mary Magdalene de Pazzi: Not to die, but to suffer.

You are in my thoughts and prayers, Friend in Arlington! It is such fun to think of you there in that great Diocese! I pray all is well with you in your spiritual assent.

with you, in just adoring Him and until again,


3:03 PM  
Blogger theblessedgift said...

Hello nothing..

How are you? For some reason my heart feels for you, like you are going through a terrible trial. You know how it is. We have so many different feelings and often don't know where they are coming from. It is funny how you write of the nothingness... and how few are aware of it.. yet we do some how find move on and continue the fight. The fight is nonstop, I do not think I will be unfaithful in falling of course. But, do grow weary of the long journey ahead..

1:41 PM  
Blogger The Catholic Hermit said...

Dear Blessed Gift,

Well, yes, I am. It is an odd trial--totally unexpected, and it goes on, and could be scrutinized by others (and probably is), but my confessor is so totally superb about it, and keeps me calm and able to continue as nonchalantly as possible.

So thank you MUCH for the prayers, and also have a little laugh about how God surprises us. Somehow I have a feeling that the Lord is preparing me for more suffering, though, and this other is a major grace to learn much in preparation. But, I don't know for sure, of course.

We never know, and that is what you express in how long is Via de la Rosa. We are on it, with our little crosses, and with our Simons, and our angels, and Our Mother encouraging us always. We keep going--we simply MUST! And also to smile and try not to complain, for none of it is really too much to bear considering all the help we have to bear it!

I love Ps. 91 for this--

God bless you, Blessed Gift!

We are all together, in love and peace and joy, and we enter into Christ's rest!

with you, in just adoring Him and in gratitude for all love,


4:43 PM  
Blogger theblessedgift said...

Hello nothing,

It is good to here from you. I am also going through a preparation for something greater, yet in our vocation that chiefly means pain. I have received in private revelation that there are different levels of victim souls. I was wondering if you were also aware of this. God Bless!!

11:51 AM  
Blogger The Catholic Hermit said...

Dear Blessed Gift,

Not sure what you mean by "levels."
Explain if you would like. It is the word "levels" that might need more explanation. Phases?

Well, I just mostly go with the flow! Expect the unexpected, etc.! I laugh when I think it could be sort of like that over-used word that people have taken to: "Whatever!"

God bless! Am praying for you!


12:39 PM  
Blogger theblessedgift said...

In Heaven, their are different tiers, each tier has its own level of sanctity. There are five different levels of sanctity for victim souls. Each level higher than the next.

4:58 PM  
Blogger The Catholic Hermit said...

Dear Blessed Gift,

No, I'd never heard of this.

I won't be in any of the levels. I'll be in purgatory for a long, long "time" and thankful to be there an not hell. At least this is my hope.

Some days the reality of not being in purgatory can be quite breath-taking.

Then, of course, there is the dream of heaven. We do strive for purity in love and fullness of mercy.

God bless!


6:57 PM  
Blogger Joyful Catholic said...

Hi Nothing...
I just meandered over here again. We are going to Minneapolis for Thanksgiving. I've thought of you and prayed for you at Mass the other day. Please keep our son, Justin in your prayers. He's in RCIA in Dallas and learning so we're very grateful to St Justin, St Paul, St Monica, St Augustine, St Thomas More...our son's a lawyer. By the way, St Padre Pio spoke to me as he tended a broken or hurt foot or ankle of mine in that dream. He spoke in Italian, so I didn't understand him, but in my spirit I must have. It was a most awesome dream, he was resplendent, translucent sparkling, knelt at my foot, prayed for me, and then made the sign of the cross over me and in the blink of an eye rose, took a step or two and was gone. I've also had a great fondness arise in my for St Maximilian Kolbe and St Teresa Benedicta of the Cross. I think something is coming to America and we must "prepare" our hearts, and have our lamps filled with oil, for darkness is encroaching, but clinging to Mary is our HOPE to never be separated from her Immaculate heart, therefore remaining near the Sacred heart of Jesus. Pray for me, and I'll pray for you and one day, we'll meet merrily in heaven. Bless you dear nothing! Your friend, joyful and 'little'.

4:20 PM  
Blogger theblessedgift said...

In my kingdom there are many mansions. Do not strive only to get into the gate.

Hello nothing,

I believe in you. I am sure you will do well..

Well, I have read many books. Probable similiar to you. Sister Josefa, "The divine way of love", Sister Anne Catherine Emmerich, Padre Pio, Faustina, St. Catherine of Sienna, and so on..

These books are easy to find, but the books you have mentioned have been difficult. I am having trouble finding, "Self-Renunciation", by Guillore. Do You know where I might be able to obtain a copy?

Also I was curious if you are familiar with, "Direction for our times".

10:43 AM  
Blogger The Catholic Hermit said...

Dear Blessed Gift,
I know that you mean that you sense that I am not false, that the Holy Spirit is helping me to not have guile--and that is what you mean by you believe in me. That you validate me as a pilgrim on a journey who is, by the grace of God, genuine in my faults as well as in the gifts God gives us. As for belief, we believe in God.

Am finding much help right now from St. Bernard who explains love, and union, and the process of loving, of union with God. Much on the will of God and the soul's desiring to no longer have its will per se, but to have its will become likeness with God's will, even though we will always have in "substance", our own will, since God gives us our wills. But they can be united, assumed, into likeness with God's will.

As for Guillore's "Self Renunciation", there is a hard copy (sounds like a good volume!) on for a little over $20. Otherwise, there are numerous reprints on Amazon and other places, in soft cover, beginning near $30. Go for the old hardbound, would be my inclination. The price is very good, with the economy as it is. I paid much more a year or so ago.

Yes, we read some of the same books, and benefit by friendship with the mystics and the victim souls. The Holy Spirit guides our reading. I was given some copies of the booklets by Anne, but my poor soul did not gravitate to them, so I sold them on Amazon for those who might gravitate to them. I tend to not be inclined to current, living persons who have oracles--even though they may be very well legitimate. I feel they are for the next generations. The jury is still out on us who are alive, on this earth, embodied. There are plenty of saints for us to read--those already proven in the courts of God and the Church. However, her anonymity is very good, and if the Holy Spirit told her or her director to publish the messages, then that is between them and the Church--which is probably awaiting her death to give the verdict. In the meantime, she hopefully (and seems to be) validly helping many souls. I suppose I am very careful, as I have seen how in a recent case a person was writing and had a following, and then went off the narrow path, and took many along. The early writings are pristine with soul to match; the later are the product of a soul's confusion and personal failings, and yet those reading did not know.

I just feel very secure with the dead saints (and those not canonized but who are approved by Holy Mother Church). Since I am approaching death, I do not have time to take chances with what I read (in addition to being a slow reader). Someone was very keen on my reading (deceased) Louisa Piccareta (sp), and I started to, but just didn't sense it right for me. A couple years later, I read that the Church prefers we not be party to a following, at this time.

It became a personal concern (probably more a nudge by the Holy Spirit) for me to not publish what I was experiencing. It was all right back when I naively thought no one was reading what I wrote. But then, it became an issue, and I am now sorry for unloading my soul in its trials. The Lord seems to have been pleased with my not putting on-line what is going on, and yet it is wonderful to have had connection with souls out there, such as yours, and to pray for one another, and to help with such things that will aid our souls to further preparation for eternity!

God bless you!


11:09 AM  
Blogger theblessedgift said...

Thank you for the information on the book. I forgot about amazon for some reason.

It's sounds as though your spirit is pitch black covered in darkness. Do not worry God is with you. Remember souls such as ours are often in darkness, and there is no harder time than our time of death. But God is our light, even though sometimes we can not see Him.

When I said I believe in you, I mean that I believe in God who is you and is in you. For your soul is an impartation of God Himself.

Remember the work that you do is great! The greatest thing we can do for God is save a soul that has rejected Him.

Regarding, "Directions for our times", I have been gifted with realizing God's words in current writings. It is true that these writings are for the coming generations. The booklets are not the best thing to look at. They are not associated with the main message. The booklets are for people who can not get over certain issues in there life. The monthly messages are the best, and then comes the volumes. I am only hoping they might help you on your journey.

I do not believe we should ever be party to a following, but always following our Heavenly Father, The Holy Spirit, and Our Lord Jesus christ. If it so happens that Our Lord is leading many at a time, and because of this people call it a following. So be it!

I have asked that all of the Saints and Angels in Heaven Help you.

12:15 PM  
Blogger The Catholic Hermit said...

Dear Blessed Gift,

Thanks so much for the prayers! God bless your offerings and beautiful spiritual journey! Thanks be to God!
And Happy Advent waiting!


3:58 PM  

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