Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Strange Virus

Even a strange virus can be offered to God for reparation for sins. "I offer this for love of Thee, Jesus, for the conversion of sinners and for the sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary."

One day it can be better, and then a relapse hits. The coughing continues but not as frequently. The strange feeling of not being totally attached in the body comes and goes, one day in and one day out.

The ankles are painful and swollen. It is not easy to walk, but walk one must.

Yes, there are specific concerns for which to offer the strange virus to God. Not one cough or ache or icky sensation should be wasted. Even if there are moments of weakened attitude--these moments can be offered. Then, one must remember to offer the joys and the positive good spirit of suffering, as well.

Amazing Grace, a weeping Douglas Fir in the back Mary Garden of Agnus Dei, is dying. It was all right prior to leaving for the private retreat. Now it is dying from the top down, each day browning more and heading toward the lower branches. It is planted near the property line by the neighbors' house, and it may be as in the case with Green Spiral last fall, that their sprinkler system placed on the line, is causing too much water for a pine tree.

The death of Amazing Grace is worth offering to the Lord on High, for who shall climb the Holy Mountain? One with pure heart. The love of a weeping specimen tree and the expense of it, the expense of having it planted, and eventually of digging it out and letting it go to the landfill, is worthy of thought and joy in a life lived well. Yes, pine trees live and breathe and add beauty to the earth; and their deaths come and go as ours. Some notice and others do not, that life comes and goes in a variety of forms and species. The pure of heart love as much as possible, all life and note with equanimity of spirit the passing of even the smallest of events.

Even events lives and die. The Carthusian who wrote "The Interior Life" commented on experiences being very much a creation of God. And all creation comes from God for the benefit of the souls created by God. We learn from major sufferings and seemingly minor ones, that nothing is wasted for those who are on the trek, who seek God with pure heart and much love. Even if the love is tainted with some dead pine needles sticking out from our human minds and hands, we can desire to love with green hope and always with the amazing grace God provides.

An Opus Dei Vicar General in the land visited, reminded that I must be close to the Holy Spirit and to know that He is my friend, my parent, my brother, my Beloved. Yes, the Holy Spirit is what transforms all in the Sacraments; the Holy Spirit is love. The Holy Spirit breathes on us the breath of God and gives life to our forms and the forms of God's creation. For humans, the Holy Spirit animates our very souls.

Even the strange virus has a place in the body at this time, and while the body tries to eliminate it and cough it out, the healing comes as God wills. For now, there is much good use of the illness, and it is well and loving to offer this weakness for many intentions, for whatever use God wills of this time of decreased energy. The fresh spring air fills Agnus Dei from outside in, and the Immaculate Heart of Mary remains close to the maidservant of the Handmaid of the Lord.


Blogger Joyful Catholics said...

For the entire pilgrimage to Rome and Assisi last May, 2007, I had swollen ankles and painful feet. I guess it might have been gout, I'm not sure. It made me toss vanity out the window, and proved to be a good thing, as I did offer it up for souls, and us pilgrims.

I'm in Wisconsin for another week, visiting Father G. and will go to Sr. Mary's hermitage near La Crosse next weekend. That will be very cool! A Carmelite hermit nun with 50 acres! Can hardly wait!

Blessings, nothing.

7:36 AM  
Blogger The Catholic Hermit said...

Dear Joyful Little,

I will pray for your time in Wisconsin. I prayed for Fr. G when away.

The virus has been causing the ankle problems, and they are improving. Had a coughing fit at Mass this evening and had to sit down during the Creed--and then had to walk ALL the way down the whole aisle and out the back in order to gain stamina over the cough. Then I had to walk ALL the way back down the aisle while the ushers were collecting. That was a penance for I am horrified at standing out or being noticed! God does know what to try us with, just right!

So, yes, we have to toss vanity out the window, toss our insecurities out, and do what we must in the given moment, and offer it all.

It seems I have heard of the Carmelite hermit nun near LaCrosse. I didn't realize she has 50 acres. What a blessing for her and for her to share it! Glory be to God!

4:44 PM  

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